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Nightly Specials

October 27th Nightly Specials

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October 27th Nightly Specials

Chef’s Specials

*wine pairing suggestions



Smoked Curried Fish Dip

toast points  7

*214 Granbazan Albarino Etiquita Ambar, Rias Baixes, SP


Black Bean Chili  7



Pan Seared Tripletail

lobster risotto, fennel-lobster nage, petite vegetable ratatouille  29

*216 Mesa Vermentino di Sardegna Primo Bianco, IT


Pizza of the Week

Heirloom Tomato & Basil

double mozzarella,  red onion, oregano, balsamic reduction, pizza sauce   20


Desserts  8

Meringue Gelato Cake

chocolate sauce

 Pumpkin Cheesecake

Spiced Pear Crème Brulee